Diana Yoga instructor dubai
" Do not force to understand your mind.
Do not force to find that inner peace everyone is talking about .
Instead focus on how to balance your body.

Explore it ... Connect with it ... Fall in love with it,
and I promise you that all the puzzles will add up.
Just step on your mat and take a deep breath.

I will be there for you.."
Diana Yoga instructor dubai
Diana Uakasova
Yoga Instructor
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5  Benefits of Yoga and Why You Should Practice

I believe you’ve heard that practicing yoga is good for you, you’ve heard there are benefits of doing yoga, but maybe you’re not quite sure what the benefits of yoga reallyyyy are. 

Well , let me tell you about some of them: 


I don’t know how many people I’ve seen/heard say that they can’t do yoga because they are not flexible enough. 

Let me assure you – you GET FLEXIBLE by working on it . 


Many people don’t consider yoga  to be a super strengthening type of workout, until they actually try it.  Yoga is more than just stretching and flexibility. Just because you are mainly using your bodyweight to strengthen muscles, definitely doesn’t discredit yoga in terms of gaining strength.

Stress Relief:

A regular practice of yoga can help to relieve stress in our lives because it helps us to focus on our breathing and calming our minds. When we focus on our breath and poses that allow us to relax it naturally lowers our stress levels and stress hormones.


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Healthier Choices:

I feel like a lot of people, when they start consistently practicing find themselves wanting to make other positive and healthier choices. I found myself wanting to eat healthier, or at least try to make better choices overall. Its a slow trickling effect, but eventually you’ll want to improve other areas of your life.

A sense of peace and balance :

For many people, a yoga practice can bring about a sense of peace. It allows you to get out of your head and focus on you and your body. 

Plus when we practice balance and coordination on our mats we eventually feel more balanced in our life . 

Yoga transforms you from the inside out. 

Yoga will give you a deeper connection to your body and tune you in to what it needs. 

It makes you see the world in a new way, and it’ll completely shift the way you interact with other beings

But it’s not a fast medicine, you can’t expect to do one session of yoga and all your worries are gone. It takes a daily or weekly practice of yoga to start to feel the benefits.

Sign up for my weekly yoga classes ( give it a shot for two or three months) and re-evaluate how you feel about everything.

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